Audiobooks in numbers


Audiobooks in Spanish are available in Latin America

7 million

Seven million euros is the estimated market volume for the audiobook in Spanish in 2019. In 2018 it was 5 million euros.


of audiobook´s production in Spanish is done in a neutral accent.


of listeners play audiobooks while doing housework


of listeners play audiobooks on their smartphones.


more books per year are heard by an audiobook listener, compared to a traditional paper book reader.

Audiobooks in quotes

The audiobook brings new clients because it allows you to find a narrative when reading a paper or an electronic book would be impossible – e.g. while driving or doing housework.

Not only is audiobook production constantly improving, but recent developments in technology have made audiobooks extremely convenient for the consumer

Hearing the sweet tones of a familiar voice is an engaging way to get through those books we always wanted to read, but never did.

Audiobooks can help to have a better reading comprehension, both in cases of dyslexia, and in general, especially in early ages.

Our heaviest users are book lovers in all formats, and their increased use of audiobooks is allowing them to get through more books, more quickly.

Chris Lynch (Audio Publishers Association)

The audiobook is in vogue, but unlike electronic books, the phenomenon is occurring: while the publishing market in the West is flat, the audiobook is growing double-digit .